Wednesday, September 8, 2010

First Day of Preschool!

Today was our very first day at Together Time Christian Preschool! We started off the morning with prayer and a short devotional about how God created light. Then we sang "This Little Light of Mine." Our Letter of the Day was the letter A, and the children colored the letter A with crayons, painted a picture of the letter A and an apple, and used Play Doh to make A's. We talked about lots of words that have the A sound in them. Our Bible Word of the Day was "Adam," and we read about how God created the first man, Adam.

We sang several familiar Sunday School songs during music time today. I played the guitar while we sang, "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands," and we thought of words that begin with the letter A to sing about! So we said God has all the apples, ants, and alligators in His hands! :)

After snack time, we had recess outside for a few minutes. The children all got to help feed our pet rabbit, Loopy. Loopy was glad to meet our preschool friends! Then everyone came back inside for some free-play time. During this time the children were free to explore all the toys and manipulatives in the classroom, but the main lesson they are working on is sharing and taking turns with playthings.

When playtime was over we cleaned up the classroom and sat down for a story. We read about a little boy named Anthony who was getting ready for church. Then we read the Lord's Prayer. Everybody got to pick out some stickers, and then we said goodbye!

These children are all such a blessing to me, and I am so thankful to have the opportunity to work with them this year!

Looking forward to our next class!!!!

God bless,
Miss Samantha

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Looking forward to a GREAT year!!

Yesterday was Registration Day here at TTCP, and I enjoyed getting to talk with mom's and play with the preschoolers! It looks like our class is going to be full, and I am so thankful!

I am working on planning LOTS of fun educational activities for us to enjoy together this year! We'll be working on learning our ABC's and the sounds they make, practicing counting and sorting, learning to share and take turns, singing fun songs, and SO MUCH MORE!! Best of all we'll be learning about God and His special love for us! This is such an important time in our children's lives, and we want to make the most of it. The things we are teaching them right now will remain with them and will influence them for the rest of their lives.

We are also tossing around some field trip/special activity ideas. A few ideas for field trips have been to visit an apple orchard, a pumpkin patch, a pizza restaraunt, and a fire station. Some other special extra activities some of our preschoolers will be enjoying throughout the year include gym time, Kindermusik classes, story time at the library, and trips to the park.

There is LOTS to do before preschool starts September 8th! Please keep Together Time Christian Preschool in your prayers!

~Miss Samantha

Monday, August 9, 2010

Preschool Registration Day Set!

We will be holding Preschool Registration on Wednesday, August 25th from 9:00-11:00 a.m. If you plan to enroll your 2-3 year old child for the 2010-2011 school year, you will need to stop by during this time to introduce your child to the teacher, pick up your registration packet, fill out the application, and pay the necessary fees. There will be refreshments, and children will be welcome to enjoy some playtime in the classroom area throughout the morning.

Please prayerfully consider enrolling your 2-3 year old child. Spaces are limited, and will be filled on a first come/first served basis.

If you plan to come to registration or if you have any questions, please contact me at (606) 346-2033 or

Monday, July 12, 2010

Now Accepting Enrollments!

Together Time Christian Preschool is now accepting enrollments! Classes will begin September 8th.

Give your 2-3 year old a head start on school readiness in a loving, Christian environment. Space is limited, contact the teacher to enroll today!

For more information contact Samantha Tomlin at or (606) 346-2033.

"Come, ye children, hearken unto me: I will teach you the fear of the LORD." Psalm 34:11